Thursday 24 January 2008

Review DVDs still faulty...

For those who waited ages for the BTCC 2008 review DVD but are still receiving a faulty Disc 1 (*cough* HMV) you can send it back to Duke for a replacement:

Freepost 1200
Duke Marketing
PO Box 40
Isle of Man
IM99 1DD

Obviously don't forget to let them know your address and where you got the faulty disc from (*cough* HMV).

Tuesday 22 January 2008

Robertshaw closing in on "big name" driver?

“There is a possibility of quite a big name joining us, but it’s a long way from finalised at the moment."

So says Gary Robertshaw. Mind you, that article also says they'll be running two "Lancettis" [sic]. And take note, forum rumour-mongers and Wikipedia editors - no mention of plans for another Honda.

Monday 21 January 2008

Friday 18 January 2008

BTCC on TV 2008

We're hearing rumours it'll be ITV4 and not Setanta Sports who'll be showing all-day BTCC plus support race coverage for 2008. Good news if true...